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Information on the course

Link to official webpage: University Preparatory Programme - Mathematics

The University Preparatory Programme - Mathematics is designed to bridge the gap between polytechnic and university-level Mathematics.

Topics coverred

  1. Numerical methods in approximation
  2. Techniques in Calculating Improper Integrals
  3. Convergence of Infinite Series
  4. Introduction to 3D Vectors and Quadric Surfaces
  5. Calculus of Multi-variable Functions
  6. Techniques in Solving Ordinary Differential Equations

Assessment criteria

Item Weightage
Online quiz 10%
Individual assignment 30%
Written test 1 30%
Written test 2 30%
  • Participants who meet the 75% minimum attendance and passed the assessment will be awarded a Certificate in Mathematics.

  • Participants who meet the 75% minimum attendance but did not pass the assessment will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.