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Youth Expedition Project (YEP) is a Service-Learning programme by Youth Corps Singapore aimed at nurturing confident and resilient youths with the desire to make a difference both at home and overseas.

This usually takes the form of an overseas service learning opportunity where participants physically go over to the partner country to perform various task. However, due to COVID19, the YEP I participated effectively became a cultural exchange programme rather than a service learning programme.

Team meeting
A screen shot of one of the sessions


The main reason that I wanted to join this program was to experience something new. I also wanted to learn more about the people around me. COVID19 prevented me from learning much about my course mates, hence I wanted to join a programme where there is a lot of interaction between peoples from very diverse backgrounds would be an ideal opportunity to learn about people in general.

Reinforcing the lesson learnt during national service, people are full of surprises. Everyone has a different story and it is a good idea to attempt to learn from each other as much as possible.

Furthermore, I did not recognise this at the time, but the world is more varied and nuance than previously thought. As such, it would be a good idea to re-examine my life to better be able to engage this world that I find myself in.

These point where further build upon in Harvard Business School Club Singapore Mentorship Program 2021-2022